Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Yeah I get family coming over!

I'm ready for company for Jenn, Tucker, Finley and Theresa to arrive. I have a friend who is loaning me any baby equipment I need. She has baby beds, strollers, playpens, high chairs swings,etc. I don't think we need all that stuff but she willing to loan it if we do. My friend has about 12 grandkids, who all live out of town, but use these things when in town so they should be good items.
I finally have my stuffed closet cleaned out of the guestroom and I have made a place for the baby bed in the office (our office is actually a third bedroom made into an office). We will shampoo the carpets next weekend, must have clean floors for baby to be on :) I bought a cute "whale" swimming pool and a cute "ball throwing" sprinkler. I have the coolest fire engine and a few other toys to play with.
It sounds like I'm only visiting with kids and of course I will visit with the mom and grandma, but this is the first time I've had little kids in my house since mine were little so playing with the kids is special LOL.
So, welcome to my home you guys! John and I look forward to your visit!

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