Monday, August 31, 2009


OK, Amber got married (that was the most important event)I started back to work, my mom got cataract surgery, and today my husband announced his retirement! His last day is Jan 3rd 2010. Wow! He says it doesn't feel real yet, but he has worked many years and deserves to have time off while young enough to enjoy it. Amber's wedding was beautiful and fun, they are a great couple. My job is, my job I suppose, not much different and yet it is different every year. So much for the school systems, they are the best places to work if you like change LOL. Mom's cataract surgery was a success, so far. She has her appointment for the weekly checkup this Thursday. I think she has done just fine, I don't know if she know this or not though LOL.
We are going camping this weekend, YEA! I am so looking forward to it. I wish more of my family members could come, but we all live so far apart and it has always been that way, oh well.
No more news right now, I will attempt to put a few wedding pics on my blog, but no posts on facebook please. I don't have Amber's permission yet :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Independance Day

Independance day has passed. We grilled out steaks and my mom and sister, Chrystal, came down to visit. I hadn't seen my sister in about 7 years. Not due to any hard feelings or anything like that. We just haven't visited each other. She and mom left before the fireworks show, but the rest of us had a blast. It rained the whole time the fireworks were going off, but we sat in the rain with raincoats and laughed and had a good time. Later the electricity went out and we played games by candlelight. I will attempt to download some pictures to show some of this activity.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Well, back from vacation and finally rested up. I'm happy doing the mundane things like laundry and cleaning. It feels great to be off for the summer. Vacation was fun! I had doubts about the stressers of having 7 people ride around and sharing a condo together, but other then some stress during the driving/GPS/direction times I had a great time. I loved the roller coasters and beach at Caladasi Island. The water was warm and it was fun riding the waves and hollering like a kid. Life has so much to offer. I hope I never forget how to have fun or be unable to see the lighter things in life. It is tough when a person is ill or someone you care about is ill and you have no control over it. It is during these times, that seeing the lighter side of life is difficult. I hope we all continue to be able to see life's blessings during times of difficulty.

Monday, April 20, 2009

So I guess I'm writing just to say I updated my blog LOL. My hubby continues to work out of town Monday through Friday. Wow, I can't believe I've worked a whole school year without him here during the weekdays. My motivation to clean hasn't been very good, but it improves when he is here. My house is "picked up" but I have so much junk/clutter in corners and closets it isn't funny.

I only have May to help my daughter with wedding stuff (wedding in July). My June is out because of trips, surgeries and recuperations. July, I will still be recuperating but I (hopefully) will have the energy to do wedding stuff. Gosh, I'm seriously considering putting off the surgery until next summer. I will consult with the Dr. about it in May.

So I'm beginning to worry about the wedding and how much help she will need. I think I've decided that if the Dr. can't do it on the week I want then it means I'm to wait until next summer.

Nothing else going on right now, knock on wood. The school year will be over in 6 weeks. I have had many friends who have had serious ailments this year. I will say a prayer for them and thank God for their successful remissions and recuperations. I also say a prayer to the people I know who have lost love ones this year. May you continue to get strong and feel peace that your loved one is happy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

These are just some pictures I aquired recently and I like them So I posted them. The black and white is my big sister and me, the couple is Amber and Carlos at their recent engagement party, next is a picture I thought my big sister and nieces might enjoy LOL.

Spring Break

So, I just had a spring break. It went by way to fast. I seen a doctor to decide if I want a hysterectomy this summer or not. The purpose for it is Enlarged Uterus due to fibroid tumors. I have some monthlys (female) when I only require advil, but I also have some when I don't feel like moving and I have sharp pains moving through me. So, I probably could easily put this off another year (I must do it in summers so I don't use my sick leave); however I then take the chance of the tumors growing and needing an abdominal incision instead of a vaginal hyst. Well, my concern is feeling well enough to help with wedding festivities and planning. After much consultation with school nurses, other teachers who had it and friends and family, I guess I will do it this summer.

For my spring break I also went to Ruidoso with my hubby and spent time there with my beautiful daughter and her fiance. We didn't win any money at the casino, but we had fun and didn't lose much either LOL. Now, I await Easter break and next weekend. I'm planting my spring flowers and that is always fun!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wow, I'm feeling much better! Gosh last week I felt like crap. I'm beginning to think I may have had some depression. Between worry about my mother, my monthly cycle (all women love this one LOL) and my husband continuing to be out of town I felt like crap. Sorry, but that is the only way to describe it LOL. Today it was 72 degrees, tomorrow it is expected to be 78 degrees. It is warm, sunny, beautiful along the river (I live along the river). I've currently brushed my mom's problems out of my mind, I'm not cramping, my husband will be home tomorrow and I'm getting busy on my job. Yep, I love being busy on my job (not overwhelming, just busy). My dog is house trained and behaves well. The wedding plans are flowing nicely and both my daughters are happy. I don't have any complaints. It is times like this that I wish I were closer to my nieces and extended family. I have to admit I suck at staying in touch, unless it is the internet anyway LOL. Oh, well I'm going to leave now, make myself a lean cuisine and watch Grays Anatomy. Hope everyone elses life is flowing well and they feel happy and successful.

Friday, January 16, 2009

What's new

Lets see what is new. The biggest news is Amber's engagement, yep thats pretty big. I know she is so excited about it. She has loved Carlos for a long time and he has loved her. They make a great couple, their personalities mesh well. So, Amber will be busy with wedding plans and I will be helping wherever I can.

I'm looking forward to visiting Amber and seeing the colors/decor she is thinking of for the wedding. There is so much to plan. All the time I keep thinking of more to do LOL, but it is fun! I'll talk about this as it happens.