Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Lord has Been so good to me

I am now doing well. I had a stress test done and a nuclear scan of my heart done. The results were great. I was told I was in better than average shape for someone my age, yeah! I suppose working out at the gym before I got sick paid off LOL. The Dr. said the mitral valve regurtitation won't go away, but unless it gets worse I am to live my life without restrictions. The Dr. will monitor me and I am to have an echocardiogram every 6 months.
Regarding the autoimmune problem. I am suppose to go to an immunologist in March. I really don't want to go because I feel so good right now. I don't want to be given medicine that makes me feel bad, but I promised my primary care Dr I would go so I will.
I am feeling good now and Jesus was there for me and continues to be there for me. This is all I know.
My mom is doing great! I can hardly believe the change in her. She is taking her diabetes pill regularly, which is very important. She is also off all narcotics. Her mind is sharp again and she is demonstrating independants in all daily living skills including her finances. I think when she prayed for me, God must have helped her. It's like I have the mom I used to have many years ago, but she is sweeter LOL. Anyway, I give thanks to God and everyone who was so supportive and sweet when I was sick. Especially my husband who was with me from breakfast to bedtime everyday. Thank you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Health update

So, I've been out of the hospital since Jan 20. My mitral valve regurgitation is what they term as "moderate". I'm scheduled to have a stress test and nuclear dye pictures taken this month. Feb 21 I will see the cardiologist and hear the results. As far as I know, this will be a "monitor" problem. I don't know yet if the monitor will be every 6 months or yearly. I am finally starting to have some energy and I've recently have been able to breathe freely without any chest discomfort. Last Monday I broke out in a Purpura rash all over my legs, which my Dr says is an autoimmune reaction to ? So, Even though I was feeling good, I guess my immune system didn't think I was good LOL. So I stayed home and rested Tuesday.
Everyone has been so sweet to me.
I missed work on Tuesday and had snow days on Wed, Thurs and today (Friday). I'm off the weekend, so I've been blessed with many days to further recuperate. Now I feel great! I hope this continues. I need to begin working out again, I'm losing muscle tone :( Anyway, I'm ready for my life to become routine again. :)