Thursday, April 29, 2010

Update stuff going on

Well much has happened since my last blog, well long blog anyway. I will get right to the thing which is weighing on my mind the most at this present moment.
March 30th my Dr found a palpable nodule on my thyroid. April 1st I had an ultra sound. On April 2nd I was called by my Dr. and told to get a radioactive iodine scan, which occured on April 6th. On April 8th I was called by my Dr. and told I would need to see an ENT because I needed a biopsy. On April 15th I seen the ENT, who told me that from the test results he could see I definately would be needed surgery on my Thyroid. He said the Biopsy would tell him how much, meaning part of it, all of it or all of it with lymph nodes. Basically, he believes the nodules "look" like the kind which can be cancerous; however only the Biospy can say for sure if the cells are suspicious for cancer. So, May 6th I will have an ultrasound guided biopsy on both sides of my thyroid. I will get the results on May 13th. Either way, from my research, my Dr. is correct about the types of nodules I have and I probably will require surgery. I will get a second opinion though, just because I think if someone is cutting something out of you, you should get a second opinion. Now, I will go about my last month of work before summer break and be happy and deal with whatever is dealt to me. I know what the worse can be and I know what the best can be, all I can do now is enjoy life and see what the lord chooses to have me deal with. That's all for now. I'll post things as they happen.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I will update soon, I promise LOL

Well, I haven't kept this up lately, but I need to. I have a few things going on in my life right now, once I know what the plans are I will update the news.