Thursday, October 14, 2010

Crazy Family

I have decided that with the exception of a select few (you know who you are) that my family is totally and completely insane. They run their lives purely on emotional responses. They don't take responsibility for their actions and expect others to "help" them out when they choose to live their lives selfishly with no consideration for others and then they end up screwing up. I have great difficulty believing and accepting how some people make the crazy, yes CRAZY, decisions they make. I understand all the psychology behind their actions, but not the logic. I also am tired of people calling the "Fajardo" bank every time they make a bad decisions then getting pissed at us because we didn't bail them out. People need to be responsible for their own lives. Family member's should help each other if emergencies happen, but not because a bad decision was made (drinking, drugs, rash spending) It is so, so sad. I really miss being a young, naive, person who seen only the good in family, having great times singing, playing games, cooking out, laughing. I so very much miss that part of my family. I miss that family so so much!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Seeing the good in people and family is not naive. It is just sometimes hard to see it when life experiences get in the way. And the older you get, the more life experiences are acquired. I suppose seeing "only the good" could be considered naive, but I think I would rather focus on the good. So call me young and naive if you wish... ;)