Well, the biggest change is that my daughter Amber and her husband Carlos are moving to Washington state. That is very good, and yet very sad. Carlos had difficulty getting a job here in New Mexico. I so very much wish he was able to get something here, but the good news is that the job he did get is a wonderful job and a wonderful opportunity for him. I realize that Amber and Carlos are the kids we get to see the most. Amber had weekends off and so it was easier for them to come here or us to go there. They were the inspiration for us to try many new cool foods, yummy deserts, great beers, wines, music, swimming, and camping, to name a few. So, their company, on a regular basis (every month or two months) will be missed. However; in all the sadness on my part, we have great joy as well. They will love the beauty of Washington and we will have a great place to go for vacations haha!
The other changes are: I changed my major, I am attempting to get my BA as a Rehabiliationist Specialist, I have a new office on my job (start this Monday), I'm am officially in menopause LOL, I just finished my summer classes,I expect to get A's due to the points I've gotten so far, but I will have to wait and see. So, no more changes for now. I will be saving my money to visit Washington state now :) I hope to see it often!
I'm sorry for you, but excited for them! Best wishes to all.
Thanks Jenn :)
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