Friday, May 21, 2010

Thyroid and other updates

So, I just got my biopsy results on May 19th. One nodule is "consistent" colloid nodule and one is "suggestive" colloid nodule. They said the difference basically was that the suggestive one didn't have as good a needle sample but "looks like" it is a colloid nodule. I read that FNA biopsys for malignancy is 95% accurate and for benign is 65% accurate. So, it sounds good so far. The Doctor due to my age and the characteristics of the nodules I can either 1. Have the whole thyroid taken out or 2Keep an eye on it and have testing about every 3 to 6 months. For some reason, I had thought we could just take out the "cold" nodule and leave the rest of my thyroid. I currently don't have any thyroid hormone problems and I don't want to have the thyroid taken out (which requires life-time hormone pill) if I don't have cancer or the nodules aren't causing a problem. So, since there is a chance of false negatives on FNA I am going to get a second opinion preferrably a second FNA by someone else. Then I will be completely comfortable to leave it alone until hormone or other issues arise, then have it taken out. That is the end of the thyroid update for now.

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