Monday, August 11, 2008

Camping was Great!

Well we went camping this weekend. It was great! We attempted fishing on Saturday, twice and both times got rained out and hailed on once. It was really fun! The mountains had such a fresh aroma, pine and wildflowers mixed. There weren't any crowds because people were of afraid of flooding again, which was fine for us, we had no noisy camping neighbors. The pictures are of my husband and myself, then Ashley, Amber and Carlos, next pic is the view from our camping spot. I don't know how to put titles under the pics yet, but I'll learn. I go to back to work tomorrow :( I know tho's of you who work all year don't feel sorry for me, but that's ok. I'm looking forward to a new school year, by Christmas I will be complaining about how I need a break LOL.


Becky said...

Looks like it was a great trip! I like the photos!

Jube said...

I can't get over how much Becky and Amber resemble each other. Scary!

ldupbeat said...

Yep, they do favor quite a bit. They could be sisters if they had the same hair color. LOL

nana said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time.