Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A lot of stuff to chat about, not that I've ever had a problem finding topics LOL

Here it is less than one week before Christmas and exactly one week before I get to see my pregnant daughter and her husband. It has just began to snow and I have a fire going in the pellet stove, the Christmas lights are on, I have a bag of gifts to wrap, and a hot cup of coffee next to me, nice!

I just finished up my first full-time college semester since 1995 (I took six classes). I had to take social statistics this semester and I never thought I'd have difficulty, but it ended up being what I would term as a "class from hell". Not because the content was so difficult, but because the instructor did not follow the book and it was very difficult to know what she wanted on her exams. I honestly thought I'd fail the class. I ended up with a B, which was a huge surprise, but from what I gathered most of the class was having difficulty, so that is probably how I ended up with a B.
I think she probably is just a tough teacher. She has informed us about how she graduated from some university in NJ and how she "gave it all up" for her husband (he is a coach at Western University where I attend). I have taken over 150 credits and I had a 4.0 up until I took her classes (3/6). I currently have a 3.63. So, is it me or is she just difficult? I think she is just difficult and I'm grateful I don't have to take any of her classes ever again! (knocking on wood)

Good news is, I will graduate in May 2013 with a BS in Psychology. I will be the first of my parent's children to get a college degree (BA or BS). I plan to continue my education with a Master's degree. I wish to do this for several reasons: 1. Employment, 2. Personal goal achievement, 3. dementia prevention. Hopefully, all three of these reasons will end up working out for me verses the financial cost.  

Amber and Carlos will be here at Christmas, and right after we will have a baby shower for them in Albuquerque, Yea!
We have really enjoyed living around Ashley and Gabe. Ashley is also taking college classes and she is hoping to graduate in a year or so with her BA in radiology.

My mom is trying to sell her house (she is 80). They are not happy living in Artesia. They're doctors won't give them medication, they don't have any social support (no church, friends or family). They won't actively do anything to get support. They just sit at home all day and bitch about how life is. She and her husband have no concept of reality. They are truly in la la land (not a psychological term, but it fits). It is sad to see people make bad decisions over and over again, but this is nothing new. They are not happy with their lives, so they make crazy (again not a politically correct term for a psych major) decisions, like moving every 2/3 years to try to find some purpose or satisfaction and yet they won't find happiness or satisfaction no matter where they go because it isn't where one lives or who one is around that makes one happy, it is the perspective within ones self that makes one happy. Oh well....

This is a terrribly long blog, but I don't care. I don't blog enough to worry about it. Perhaps, now that I'm not in class full-time I will update it more often and with shorter blogs. :)